Keep your flash cards organized and study on the go! These index cards take studying to the next level. It features 100 ruled index cards on a black ring with elastic closure. Three moveable tabbed dividers keep your cards organized so you can always find what you're looking for. A durable poly cover adds an extra layer of durability and protection. Perfect for students and professionals alike.
Roaring Spring Paper Products - ROA03510
Quantity Available in warehouse in Semmes, Alabama for Web Orders: 3
(This item is most likely NOT AVAILABLE in our store in St. Louis. To double check or have us find something similar, please call 314-843-2227 with the sku 'ROA03510' and let us know how we can help)
Package Dimensions: Length 5.0000" Width 3.0000" Height 0.7500"
Grade: Grade K-12
Age: 4-18 years
Advantus - CHL77565